If you have a grievance regarding any aspect of our service, let us know the issue in detail. We will scrutinize your complaint and follow up with you at the earliest.
Submit Grievance
Your grievances are meticulously checked out by our grievance cell team with the help of all the information that you share while submitting your complaints. Your co-operation by way of allowing us the necessary time to analyse and provide additional information, if and when asked, in context is always highly solicited.
In order to ease out your concern over the status of your submitted grievance we provide you with a grievance status enquiry facility-
Important contextual information-
Grievances are assessed by our concerned officials in the linear order in which they are duly submitted.
Be assured of fair practices.
Grievances after their successful submission are taken up for scrutiny, by us, within two office days.
We avoid needless delays.
"It isn't the complaint the customer remembers, but the outcome"
- Isadore Sharp